write-only - definição. O que é write-only. Significado, conceito
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O que (quem) é write-only - definição

Write only; Write-only (disambiguation)

Unreadable or indecipherable. Something of sufficient complexity that it is incomprehensible. Often applied to someone else's style of writing software.
I've spent an hour trying to figure out what your freaking write-only PERL script does: lean to use some comments for a change!
write-only memory         
1. <jargon, humour> (WOM) The obvious antonym to "{read-only memory}" (ROM). Out of frustration with the long and seemingly useless chain of approvals required of component specifications, during which no actual checking seemed to occur, an engineer at Signetics once created a specification for a write-only memory and included it with a bunch of other specifications to be approved. This inclusion came to the attention of Signetics management only when regular customers started calling and asking for pricing information. Signetics published a corrected edition of the data book and requested the return of the "erroneous" ones. Later, around 1974, Signetics bought a double-page spread in "Electronics" magazine's April issue and used the spec as an April Fools' Day joke. Instead of the more conventional characteristic curves, the 25120 "fully encoded, 9046 x N, Random Access, write-only-memory" data sheet included diagrams of "bit capacity vs. Temp.", "Iff vs. Vff", "Number of pins remaining vs. number of socket insertions", and "AQL vs. selling price". The 25120 required a 6.3 VAC VFF supply, a +10V VCC, and VDD of 0V, +/- 2%. 2. bit bucket. [Jargon File] (2007-03-24)
write-only code         
Write only code; Write-only code; Read-only language; Write only language
[a play on "read-only memory"] Code so arcane, complex, or ill-structured that it cannot be modified or even comprehended by anyone but its author, and possibly not even by him/her. A Bad Thing. [Jargon File]



Write-only or write only may refer to:

  • A file access permission type
  • In programming languages, a property of a class, which has only mutator methods
  • Write-only language, a derogatory term for programming languages that are hard to read
  • Write-only publishing, a derogatory term for predatory open-access publishing
  • Write-only memory (disambiguation)
Exemplos de pronúncia para write-only
1. It's a write-only database.
The Blockchain and The New Architecture of Trust _ Kevin Werbach _ Talks at Google
2. to write only what you're passionate about,
Pep Talks for Writers _ Grant Faulkner _ Talks at Google
3. Because it means I can write only in the summers.
Wine Lover's Daughter _ Anne Fadiman & Lynn Stegner _ Talks at Google
4. But if I write only meaning, then I'll
The Yoga of Max's Discontent _ Karan Bajaj _ Talks at Google
5. and he writes only that the things mentioned
Aphrodisiacs, Fertility and Medicine in Early Modern England _ Dr Jennifer Evans _ Talks at Google
Exemplos do corpo de texto para write-only
1. I will write only about three areas which I consider are key to the country.
2. "The justices hear only the cases they want to hear, write only what they want to write.
3. His parents told him he could write only as a hobby, so he obtained a doctorate in clinical psychology from Tufts University, specializing in trauma and torture victims.
4. Since then she has had 70 reconstructive operations and can write only by holding a pencil in the cleft of her severely–burned hand and punching a keyboard.
5. Wearing the Berlin Brain–Computer Interface, I would look sillier than ever and write only one more article during the rest of my life.